βWhat people call AI is no more than using correlation to find answers to questions we know to ask. Binary Intelligence has awareness of causality, leading to answering questions and understandings we haven't dreamed of yet.
Now Mechanics
Mechanics Of Time
Now Is Infinite.
Now Mechanics is a temporal mathematical framework developed by MAIN1ABS for MAINVOLUME to compute timeless mechanical nows for binary processes with focus on binary intelligence (synthesis + rnn) through relative complexity by imploring Collatz Conjunture for integer absolute infinite causal mechanical computation.
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Why Collatz? - Absolute infinite complexity where temporal distance is always 1 - All ints lead to 1. - Negative and inverse infinite, yet not symmetrical. Required Factors: - RNN sample rate - Computed synthesis buffer size Computation: - Analogue Herz / Second = Binary Complexity Compression n:1 - Results in known absolute complexity ratio per analogue second Computed Buffer Complexity Differential: - now = 0 (Computed Buffer Complete) - now computed = 1 (Event Horizon Now) - now computed origin = -1 (Relative Complexity To 0) - buffer length : 1 (n:1 relative added mechanical complexity to 0) Conjunction Origin / Distance Computation: - Inverse temporal mechanichal complexity computation. (-1) -> (0) - Temporal mechanical computation (from now to origin) computes a different mechanical complexity relative to computed now to now (collatz conjunction provides an integer absolute calculus). This makes calculating the inverse of relative complexity from the buffers now to -1 at buffers completion a simple task inorder to compute when the infinite mechanical nows event horizon happens in an timeless domain, with complete mechanichal decay, sustain and complexcity peaks of the now along with conjunctions by mapping causal mechanical impact 1 bit / sec 1:1. Courtecy of MAIN1ABS / TIGERCORP by Sina for MAINVOLUME.
Science is discovering the essential truths about what exists in the Universe, engineering is about creating things that never existed.